Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Rain Rain go Away...

I don't know what to think. I sit here day in and day out. Looking at nothing at all. Nothing means anything to me any more. Why did I get the short end of the stick? Why do the rain clouds darken my thoughts?

Why does this thing called life end so quickly? Why do we have to deal with all this crap? Some times I just wish I could just skip all of this bull shit. Skip all this pain. Or maybe go back. Say my goodbyes. Stop what I wish I hadn't have done. Is it so wrong of me to wish I had done something different? To wish things were different?

Good night children.

~The Dreamer


Sam said...

Just remember,
Good things shine through even the most intimadating clouds every now and then. And when they do, it always ends up being worth the wait.

Hold on to the hand you were dealt. Don't let it go. The perfect card is hidden behind another, waiting for the right time to make its appearance.

Sam said...

Oh and by the way, the Edgar Allen Poe poem you left on my page was beautiful. I had never read that one before. Thank you