Sunday, March 23, 2008


Love is a river
into immortallity--
winding on the bend.

Cold and empty shell
No one left to show it love--
Must wait for next light.

Dawn sounds through the air
Darkness falls on Autumns eve--
Crows echo the night.

The ones forgotten--
Guardians of the endless night
Are here still waiting.

So cold to the touch
The hand chills through flesh and bone--
No one left to care.

Snow fall softly down
Pilled high above them all--
Soon bleeds to the ground.

The call is sounded
While in this cold primal night--
The wolf in us all.

Clouds part to the sun
And the glimmering rain breaks--
A rainbow is sought.

Those who came before
Remebered forever more--
Will be sore no more.

Mother Nature's way--
Wrath unchallenged by any
Never Kept at bay.

Wind howls in anger--
Suddenly, the sun comes out
Cold and darkness leave.

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